Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In The Ballpark

On the 20x200 site I came across this piece of art that caught my eye. I have played baseball my whole life and have always been interested in baseball. This is a piece that I would definitely see myself hanging up in my house. The artwork is very simple, and that’s what I like about it. There is no great attention to detail. The outfield wall is completely plain, as the crowd is all the same. The picture reminds me of an old-time baseball stadium because they player and field do not look modern day. There are only 4 colors used in this picture. The grass, outfield fence and background in the stands are green. The crowd is simply white circles, there are no faces or detail. There are no signs or any advertisements on the outfield wall. The picture reminds me of “the catch” made by Willie Mays in Game 1 of the 1954 World Series at the Polo Grounds. This similarity is what first drew me in to the picture. This is one of the most famous plays in the history of baseball.
Since the baseball season has just started up again, I think I find this piece even more attractive. Also, seeing this picture and being reminded of baseball makes me think of the summer. I would not consider myself a person who is very into art, so this picture is a perfect fit for me because it involves sports. I would definitely spend the $200 for this picture to hang in my house. When I was first looking through the pieces of artwork I did not think I would find anything that interested me, but this picture did

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